
OEM ROI Calculator

Under Maintenance

This page is currently under maintenance, prices may not be current/accurate.

If you'd like to talk to our sales representitives about ROI and subscription costs please call (+44) 1978 856 190

ToolEquipment CostAnnual SubscriptionHourly Tokens1st Year Cost1st Year Profit2nd Year Profit

The need to future-proof your business by making the move into OEM diagnostics is for many aftermarket workshops a major decision to make, and how to calculate the speed and level of return is not easy.

This table has been designed to show those who are considering this move just how quickly they can enjoy a worthwhile return on their investment.

By inputting your labour rate, and the number of hours weekly you expect to be able to charge your clients for diagnostics work, you will immediately see the rates of return.  


Please note that this is only a guide, the equipment and running costs have been averaged so are for illustration purposes only, some tokens and subscriptions for more in-depth diagnostic or programming activities may also prove to be more expensive.